SCROLL for newbie Amber Columbia's impressions of Twitter. Updated every hour or so.
National Review's upcoming cover June 22, 2009
"Among the doleful consequences of our last elections is that our future is highly likely to include “Justice Sotomayor.” The question is whether Senate Republicans, who were also elected, should be complicit in her elevation. “No” is a reasonable answer to that question."- Ramesh Ponnuru
We can't wait to read what you will state, NOT.
June 6, 1944, Marie-Louise Osmont lived in a chateau overlooking the Normandy beaches in here words, relive that fateful day.
D-Day Museum, Portsmouth, UK. Frequently Asked questions including "What does the “D” in D-Day stand for?
The “D” does not stand for "Deliverance", "Doom", "Debarkation" or similar words. In fact, it does not stand for anything. The “D” is derived from the word "Day". “D-Day” means the day on which a military operation begins. The term "D-Day" has been used for many different operations, but it is now generally only used to refer to the Allied landings in Normandy on 6 June 1944."
Very informative!
Listening to the news on Air France, and there is some discussion on terrorism. Two bodies were discovered. Bomb residue can be discovered on bodies and aircraft debris IF it is there.
hosted from Time magazine's site.
I haven't formed an educated opinion, yet. CAVEAT, THIS SITE ISN'T FOR CHILDREN. It is a perfect place for pedophiles to lurk so keep your kids away from Twitter. I so understand, you must USE it, you must update often. It does seem to me that there is too much concern for gathering FOLLOWERS by offering DEALS to get more followers "1000 in a week, guaranteed". I'm tired of clicking on a link that offers something I may be interested in and instead viewing (yes, I watched as I couldn't believe my eyes) a video titled BUTT FART CHOCOLATE CAKE. Please don't ask, maybe you, too will be unlucky enough to find it. Then someone "named" TouchmyGSpot was trying to offer her 'wares' during the FIRST BIG CONAN TREND. Well, she isn't shy. Among my "follows" are the "queenofspain", I like her!
I find the 140 character limit a positive CHALLENGE. The folks who use extensive abbreviations drive me wild. Just type what you mean then work on editing it down to the correct number of characters. In most cases, it will WORK for you and your fellow twitts (ooooops) will appreciate it. Speaking of TWITTS, what do we call ourselves. Tweet is what we DO when we update, so am I a Tweeter, like a woofer?
There are celebrities on Twitter and the common person can follow them. Wow, a celebrity tweeting LIVE. Well, I doubt it. I imagine someone in a cubicle keeping an eye open for Tweets and RT that mention the celebrity, like a modern day clip file in a Public Relations office.
I addressed @Jack_Welsh, former CEO of the General Electric Company. I don't want him, them...whoever, to think I'm stalkin him, so I'm being careful with the numbers of tweets I post with his username. The General Electric Co. was the economic backbone in the Berkshire Hills of Massachusetts. When they departed, circa 1980 (I haven't checked that date) it was in part due to Neutron Jack's actions. He left the buildings, allusion to a Neutron bomb, but cut the people. Pittsfield and the Berkshires haven't fully recovered. We have a good tourist industry, but General Electric was the number one employer. Beyond that, General Electric left Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the Housatonic River, Crystal Lake, and in yards surrounding the properties. Even school yard became contaminated because of lack of oversite in using fill.
Added~~~ June 8 Berkshire Eagle article on PCBs.
In some ways, I admire Jack Welsh, and one of his Twitter worker bees did contact me to ask a question. I believe Mr. and Mrs. Welsh are in France for the D-Day commemoratives and memorials.
I have suggestions,DON'T use your real name and address on Twitter. I have some links that lead to my real name and I may remove them.
TIME MAGAZINE JUNE 5 "How Twitter will change the way we live.
Commentary by another TWITTERER,Tweeter, LOL Betsyanne Blog
11:28pm eastern, I MAY continue tomorrow..
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